Thursday, January 19, 2012

Los médicos denunciarán los recortes que afecten al paciente

With many reccent budget cuts the Confederation of Medical Unions has urged professionals to report the adjustment measures that may hurt the quality of care and endanger the patient. Patricio Martínez Jiménez, secretary general of CESM states that in a press conference, which has ensured that we do not currently contemplate strike action to protest the cuts that are carrying out some autonomous communities, although not dismiss this action in the future. He believes there is little to be worried as far as cuts go, that the doctors will not lose.

The fact that some much stuff has to be even considered to be cut is just terrible! The country of Spain says they're trying to improve its economic status, but when you hear of so many cuts in areas that are so important to everyday life you have to wonder do they really have things under control?

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