Thursday, January 19, 2012

Los impagos ponen al borde del cierre a los concertados

The words of the Minister of Education, Jose Ignacio Wert, has been trying to calm down the sector of school systems that has been very badly affected by non-payment of the concerts and cuts on substitutions and educational programs. About 4,205 schools have been affected by this. The worst cases were taking place in Valencia, the Balearic Islands and Catalonia. In these areas have accumulated several months of delays in payment for the cost of running the centers. Looking at laying off over 1,000 million and still demanding a hard work week for those who aren't cut with no more in pay. "This causes serious injury to personal administration and services, whose salary depends on the economic front and on the other hand, the centers begin to not be able to keep running, so its closure could occur imminently, leaving Classless students and teachers without work ", emphasized Jesus Val Pueyo

It's really sad that schools are suffering. Thats the one thing people can never take away from you is your education. It is the most important thing for success in life. I really think there is other areas that should be cut before schools. Everyone says the children are the future of America, well is it any different in a 3rd world country?

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